MyEmployment is the self-service centre where payslips are stored. You can access MyEmployment at home or at work, from any PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection.
How you log in to MyEmployment will depend on whether your work email address ends - it doesn't matter whether your payslip has been sent to your work or personal email.
I have a email address
I don't have a email address
Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm, Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm 024 7697 8920
We will use the information you provide to meet our contractual, legal, and management obligations.
As part of this we will share your personal information with internal service areas and external organisations who provide services on our behalf. We also need to share with the Cabinet office (who are a government department) to detect fraud and error.
More information on how we handle personal information and your rights under the data protection law can be found in our Privacy Notice
We will keep all information you provide confidential and treat it in accordance with the requirements of data protection law.